
e4care Project
The post-pandemic reality has speeded up the processes of adaptation of e-care solutions and the implementation of the digital tools in the health care sector. It also uncovered several obstacles that slow the digital transformation processes in the health and social care. One of the identified barriers is the reluctance of the sectoral professionals to engage in technology due to the lack of proper digital skills (Conventry University, 2020[1]).
In the e4CARE project we are committed at equipping health and social care professionals with the innovative knowledge about the digital technologies redesigning the health and social care, as well as increasing their digital skills for the more effective absorption of the solutions.

e4CARE is designed with the aim to create a one-of-a-kind course that respond to digital competence shortages among the health and social care professionals. By creating the educational content on the digital solutions being used within the healthcare and social care services, as well as training materials, we aim to foster new digital care models in Europe.
In particular, our consortium aims at:
- Mapping and presenting the digital care solutions being created in the health and social care sectors;
- Identifying the healthcare and care professionals’ digital upskilling needs;
- Creating the educational courses aiming at improving digital competences for the health and social care professionals;
- Speeding-up digitalisation processes of care provision;
- Fostering the new digital care models in Europe.

Target Group
e4CARE target group consists of:
- Front-line healthcare practitioners;
- Medical doctors;
- Nurses;
- Senior-management and administration within the health and social care sectors;
- Social workers.
On the top of that, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers will be able to use the results of the e4CARE work in their professional activity. Also, public authorities of national, regional and local levels are encouraged to benefit from the e4CARE results.