⤖끞귆ᩲ筲ꤗ鎆㳇槸稼ṩ䞚鄾쿱飮㹏麆멬廊흲㪝康ꦭꍥ帇₟鿞暢鞥拱樌⇗E4CARE – 1st Transnational Project Meeting in Warsaw in September 2022 – e4care

E4CARE – 1st Transnational Project Meeting in Warsaw in September 2022

The e4CARE consortium partners gathered for the very first transnational meeting of the project in Warsaw, Poland. The two-day meeting (26th & 27th of September) was hosted by the Polish partners– Center for Economic and Social Research (CASE) at their premises in Warsaw.

The meeting took a hybrid form (both physical and online – through MC Teams), gathering six institutions from four European countries: Greece, France, Poland, and Romania to discuss the progress of the project activities and the overall planning of upcoming tasks. 

The participants focused on topics related to foreseen project outcomes – including the Didactic Inventory and Learning Hub, dissemination and communication matters as well as administrative issues.

This hybrid meeting allowed the consortium to finally meet (at least in some extent) face-to-face, and share experiences and the main institutional challenges associated with the implementation of the project.

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